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Exercise training and resting blood pressure: a large-scale pairwise aObjective To perform a large-scale pairwise and network meta-analysis on the effects of all relevant exercise training modes on resting blood pressure to establish optimal antihypertensive exercise prescription practices
Reducing wait times and medical costs for patients: the physiotherapy-The Sengkang General Hospital Orthopaedic Spine Outpatient Service is facing a growing challenge of increasing number of referrals and waiting times, placing a significant burden on the system. Primary care referrals hav
Human Cortical Pyramidal Neurons: From Spines to Spikes via Models - PWe present detailed models of pyramidal cells from human neocortex, including models on their excitatory synapses, dendritic spines, dendritic NMDA- and somatic/axonal i Na /i sup + /sup spikes that provided new insig
Methylmercury and brain development: imprecision and underestimation oMethylmercury is now recognized as an important developmental neurotoxicant, though this insight developed slowly over many decades. Developmental neurotoxicity was first reported in a Swedish case report in 1952, and fr
Effect of breast milk lead on infant blood lead levels at 1 month of aNursing infants may be exposed to lead from breast milk, but relatively few data exist with which to evaluate and quantify this relationship. This route of exposure constitutes a potential infant hazard from mothers with
Acupuncture and related interventions for smoking cessation - PubMedAlthough pooled estimates suggest possible short-term effects there is no consistent, bias-free evidence that acupuncture, acupressure, or laser therapy have a sustained benefit on smoking cessation for six months or mor
Stages of benign thyroid nodules: principles and ultrasound signs - PuBenign thyroid nodules are significantly common and occur in 50-60% of the population. Therefore, differentiation from malignant nodes and the choice of treatment tactics in some cases of benign pathology remain relevant
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